
Monday, February 4, 2019

The Old Man And The Sea: Man Defeated :: essays research papers

Reading through the novel The Old gentleman and the ocean sensation, as a reader, enkindle perceive several nucleotides in the book. Heming focus suggests sure subjects for discussion which built up the whole plot, therefore grown us options to choose the genius we believe is the main one and only(a). In the recent weeks we vex been discussing, in a debate, which is that main physical composition. My groups theme was humanity Defeated and although it is hard to affirm that this theme was the prevailing one of the book, we firmly defend it. Various arguments were established. Some debated that the novels theme was capital of Chiles struggle, the friendship with the search and other characters capital of Chiles assiduity and that he re whollyy ended up as a jubilant man. But to argue that those were excessively the main themes of the book is also a difficult thing to do. Even though capital of Chile fought and unplowed on with his struggle to catch the fish, he was d efeated because he broken it at the end.Defeat, according to the Larousse Chambers English Dictionary, is when you are overthrown in a battle, you meet a game and therefore you simulatet produce you dont gain or reach your goal. As we can reckon capital of Chile, in spite of the fact that he persevered and struggled, starving, for three years incapacitated the battle. He couldnt get to his main goal. But , barely what was his goal, one may ask? He wanted the fish, he was non angle as a hobby or sport he be after to sell the fish and get some money to eat, it was his way of surviving. Santiagos only way of income was fishing and he k late that. He mentions He was a fish to keep a man all gatherter.(page 111). Santiago had plans for him already that failed to accomplish them. Some will argue that he won because he gained spiritual victory. This , in a way, is received but fishing is his job and only way of living. If the case had been divers(prenominal) and Santiago w as only fishing for his soulal entertainment, which wasnt, it could be seen as a new experience or story to tell. But it wasnt. Santiago needful the fish and lost it. He wasnt happy or exultant well-nigh it, as we will later on discuss.The definition of the term merriment is victory, success, a state of great joy over success, to win a great victory or success and rejoice over this openly to show ones rejoicing over the person one has defeated.The Old Man And The Sea Man Defeated essays query papers Reading through the novel The Old Man and the Sea one, as a reader, can perceive several themes in the book. Hemingway suggests certain subjects for discussion which built up the whole plot, therefore giving us options to choose the one we believe is the main one. In the past weeks we have been discussing, in a debate, which is that main theme. My groups theme was Man Defeated and although it is hard to affirm that this theme was the prevailing one of the book, we firmly defend it. Various arguments were established. Some argued that the novels theme was Santiagos struggle, the friendship with the fish and other characters Santiagos perseverance and that he really ended up as a triumphant man. But to argue that those were also the main themes of the book is also a difficult thing to do. Even though Santiago fought and kept on with his struggle to catch the fish, he was defeated because he lost it at the end.Defeat, according to the Larousse Chambers English Dictionary, is when you are overthrown in a battle, you lose a game and therefore you dont win you dont gain or reach your goal. As we can see Santiago, in spite of the fact that he persevered and struggled, starving, for three days lost the battle. He couldnt get to his main goal. But , exactly what was his goal, one may ask? He wanted the fish, he was not fishing as a hobby or sport he planned to sell the fish and get some money to eat, it was his way of surviving. Santiagos only way of income was fi shing and he knew that. He mentions He was a fish to keep a man all winter.(page 111). Santiago had plans for him already but failed to accomplish them. Some will argue that he won because he gained spiritual victory. This , in a way, is true but fishing is his job and only way of living. If the case had been different and Santiago was only fishing for his personal entertainment, which wasnt, it could be seen as a new experience or story to tell. But it wasnt. Santiago needed the fish and lost it. He wasnt happy or joyful about it, as we will later on discuss.The definition of the word triumph is victory, success, a state of great joy over success, to win a great victory or success and rejoice over this openly to show ones rejoicing over the person one has defeated.

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