
Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Technological Advances Threaten Privacy Essay -- Argumentative Persuas

Technological Advances Threaten secretivenessThe year is 2004. By now, our engineering science is so advanced that weve built robots to do common daily tasks for us. To galore(postnominal) people, all of this technology seems like a dream come true. What they weart realize is that the magnitude of complex technology can go the other way as well. The Internet is a cyber jungle modify with a lot of hunters, and even more prey. Just by drawing card ourselves in with all of this new technology we have threatened our privacy. With the heel of a mouse, almost anyone can gain access to personal info for just about anyone. While technology causes serious threats to privacy, there are several ways to help prevent against these threats.At the top of the constitute though is the threat through Internet and wireless technology. A political hack may be able to enter a system and tinker with important files that might be essential. Important culture can be found in the system that may end up heavy(a) ones privacy. There are some precautions, however, that may be taken in order to prevent this invasion of ones privacy. Setting up proxy-firewalls on the computer is a good way. Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) also helps, which is designed to keep confidentiality to a wired network however, WEP provides a demotee minimal level of security that can deter episodic snooping(Wikipedia). Radio frequency identification (RFID) is a technological innovation enabled to fall into place objects and relay information with unique serial numbers across the world. integrated implementation of RFIDs increases logistic efficiency, but also creates a medium of information from the consumer to their retail counterparts, without their ability to control personal information being unfastened (Albright A... ... age and how to protect your family. Westport Praeger Publishers, 2004. * Dipert, Brian. READING BETWEEN THE LINES RFIDs confront the venerable bar code.Edn14Oct.200448-50,52 ,54,56,58. * Hamilton, Anita. Camera Phones. Time Magazine. 20 November 2004. <http//www.time.com/time/2003/inventions/invphones.html. * Napolitano , Jo. Hold It properly There, and Drop That Camera. New York Times. 11 December 2003 Circuits. * OReilly, John. An Employers Guide to Surveillance, Searches & Medical Examination. Toronto Thomson Canada Limited, 2003. * professorship Bush Signs Identity Theft Legislation. Whitehouse.gov. 4 December 2003. <http//www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2003/12/20031204-2.html 20 November 2004. * Rieter, Allan. Reiters camera phone report. 20 November 2004. < http//www.wirelessmoment.com/security_camera_phones/.

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