
Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Statement of Ethics Issue

Oct 20 2012 Oct 20 2012 ACCT 3121 Instructor Ms. Julie subgenus Chenier ACCT 3121 Instructor Ms. Julie Chenier write Assignment Student Yichen Chen Written Assignment Student Yichen Chen To Manufacturing Manager From Becky Knauer Date Oct 20 2012 Subject Action of Ethnic manage for Mueller Imports Dear Officer, My name is Becky Knauer, the new controller in Mueller Imports. Being selected as an experienced automotive professional to join such a enormous management team, I aim at using my objective ingest and competency in addition to all available sources to best sanction the disposal.Recently, while managing the fiscal statement, I realized there are some(prenominal) trans executions that are susceptible for ethical divulge. A $5000 monthly card bankers billed from the jeweler was personally approved as selling spending by the companys proprietor Frank Mueller. My investigation exposes that the ablaze(p) flag involves signifi baset fraud 1. The periodic watch offeri ng to regional sales managers and other sales exclusives indicates the bribery. By receiving expensive rewards from Mr.Mueller, sales exclusives up situate biased car distribution to dealers. 2. The invoice billed by a local jeweler reveals the probability of collusion. Because the watch seller does non bill the transaction as a regular sale but explained it as a miscellaneous run, the jeweler has the high incentive to set the underground agreement with Frank Mueller. I suspect the indirect service charge conceals this fact. 3. The false financial statements presented by Mr.Mueller reveal the misrepresentation. Muellers action violates the policy of segregation of duties by overriding his right to authorize the controllable cost. His statement of this expenditure selling expense overstates the expense and understates the net income as well. He indirectly haves comparative advantages from the transaction called into question. Frankly, in the supply shortage market place, the s ubstantial sale and high profit goal are displace the upper take management into a dilemma.It seems that the fraud is initiated by the owner Frank Mueller, regional sales managers, and other involved exclusives, trying to gain personal interests by committing the fraud. Even though the outstanding sales can bring in large profits for Mueller Imports in the short term, the momentous performance will be reevaluated and disclosed to the public. Consequently, all individuals within the organization and third parties committing to fraud will receive their deserved penalties.In addition, if Mueller Imports announces bankruptcy, employees who are gratis(p) from the fraudulent activities will also suffer unemployment. According to Tom York (Segregation of Duties, 22), winsome in corrupt practices creates a in truth unfavorable business purlieu by encouraging unfair advantage and anti-competitive practices. As a controller within the company, I have the right to establish the monitorin g plans for intrinsic controls to ensure that funds are expended and recorded appropriately on the financial report (Controller Job Description, 10).Referring to the IMAs Statement of Ethical Professional Practice, the issue should be discussed with the higher level of supervisor or management who is not involved in the issue. Since the fraud is committed by the the top level of the organization, it is inappropriate to submit the issue to any level within the organization. However, it is windy to hands-off because the activity of committing to the fraud which violate the code of ethnic. If I do nothing, I will be drawn into the concealment of fact as well.As far as I am concerned, it is not wise to passage of arms the unethical issue with the upper level management, nor do I penury to build a hostile relationship with the people of Mueller Imports. The most viable actions are 1. Gather enough potential fraudulent statements, 2. Take an investigation of sale managers life activit ies 3. Carefully evaluate the control system. After convocation substantial evidence, I would like to initiate a confidential password with you as well as the IMA ethnic advisors.In accordance with code of moral philosophy (IMA Statement of Ethical professional Practice, Page 1), I will contribute objective information and concerns to the appropriate business associates in the confidential manner. followers the guidance of the code of ethics, I want to utilize my professional skills support by the appropriate authority to address the issue. Your responses and concerns will be very important to deal with the issue. I hope it can be solved in a professional manner resulting the in the car market returning to a fair and healthy state in the long run.I am looking forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Becky Knauer Work Cited Controller / worry Manager Job Description The Association for Accountant and Financial Professionals in Business, IMA Statement of Ethical Professional Pr actice, York, Tom, Segregation of Duties, UNC Charlotte,

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