
Sunday, February 10, 2019

Overpopulation, Overcrowding, Poverty and Conflict Essay -- Explorator

Overpopulation, Overcrowding, Poverty and Conflict At present, there ar 6.5 billion people in the world and the phone number continues to multiply. In contrast, there are only a limited number of rude(a) resources. On a global basis, the piece population has shown a J-shaped pattern of egress over the past two thousand years, while the availability of natural resources mandatory for human survival is in slow decline. The implications of this are not limited to mass starvation, poverty and overcrowding of poorly sanitized cities. In fact, the electric original stress created by the imbalance between a burgeoning population and a finite number of resources are also one of the main factors lend to the rise of violent inter-group conflict. Clearly, something must change in order to stop our own survival and the survival of our planet. Unfortunately, human nature adopted its current manufacture and consumption habits during a time when the balance between the numbe r of humans and their available resources was not nearly as stressed. The worlds population early in the agricultural revolution (about 8,000 BC) was probably no more than 10 million. (Southwick 159) In addition, the number of natural resources available for human use was much greater. Thus, humans are continuing to live as though there were an unlimited amount of natural resources, setting themselves up for dire consequences in the future. According to a contemporary anthropologist and writer, Most ecologists grapple human population growth to be one of the greatest problems in global ecology and a major driving force of environmental degradation. They see excessive consumption as an equally important drift of pollution and environmental deterioration.... ...ver before. If we can maximize this connection by adopting form _or_ system of government compatible with those ecological and demographic areas it might affect, than we might work unitedly to solve the greatest crisis tha t we will ever encounter. SourcesDolan, Edwin G., Ch. 5 from TANSTAAFL The Economic dodging for Environmental Crisis 1974, pp. 55-72.Ehrlich, Paul R., Ch.11 Gods, Dive-Bombers, and Bureaucracy in Human Natures Genes Cultures, and the Human Prospect, Island Press, 2000.Homer-Dixon, Thomas. member in Klare, Michael T. and Ghandrani, Yogesh World Security Challenges for a New Century. Bedford/ St. Martins. NY. 1998.Miller, GT. 1992. Living in the Environment An introduction to Environmental Science. Belmont, CA Wordsworth.Southwick, Charles H., Ch. 15 from Global environmental science in Human Perspective Oxford Univ. Press, 1996, pp. 159-182.

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