
Friday, February 8, 2019

Loneliness In Of Mice And Men Essay -- English Literature

solitude In Of Mice And MenJohn Steinbecks Of Mice & Men L cardinalliness==========================================Loneliness is a state of being just in sadness, resulting from beingisolated or abandoned. As I understand it, nakedness is when a personhas no one to talk to, no one to give away in, nor anyone to keepcompanionship with. Loneliness also makes a person face into adesolate state, which they try to conceal under a unvoiced image, and isan emotion even the strongest cannot avoid. In his novel, Of Mice andMen, John Steinbeck deals with loneliness by facial expression for comfort in afriend, exactly settling for the attentive capitulum of a stranger. Althoughthey seem at ease and friendly on the surface, a deep sense ofloneliness lingers in the hearts of Crooks, George, and Curleys wife,to which they are dread(a) to find an escape from to cope with theirseclusion from the rest of society.Crooks, a lively, sharp-witted, black stablehand, who takes his namefrom his cr ooked back, leads a lonely life. He lives according to the obtain that no black man is allowed to enter a bloodless mans home. Crooksloneliness is a result of rejection from everyone else on the ranch.He is forced to live alone in a barn, where he lives his life inisolation because of his colour, which was an spot in those days.When Lennie visits him in the room, Crooks reactions interrupt the factthat he is lonely. As a black man with a physical handicap, Crooks isforced to live on the border of ranch life. He is not even allowed toenter the white mens bunkhouse, or join them in a game of cards. His jaundice typically comes out through his bitter, sad, and touchingvulnerability, as he tells Lennie A guy needs somebody to be nea... ...ch seems to disappear when narrating the story of the turn to Lennie. Curleys wifes loneliness is covered behind the maskof a portrayed prostitute, but the mask falls off during herconversations with strangers, including Lennie. I think JohnSteinbe cks gist about loneliness and peoples attempts to worstloneliness in the novel is to reveal to us the nature of humans trueexistence. One cannot escape from being lonely, and the charactersattempts to overcome their loneliness is to seek the desire andcomfort of a friend, but lenify for the attentive ear of a stranger. Ifeel that Steinbeck is not exclusively successful in delivering hismessage across because for a full realization, one has to dig deepinto the story, as well as place themselves in the shoes of acharacter to emphasize with, as well as relate to them and perceivetheir misery.

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