
Saturday, February 16, 2019

Hackers and the Internet :: Cyberspace Essays

Hackers and the Internet Internet Security covers a large list of topics. I have chosen to cover ward-heelerers and their history. I pull up stakes go through who hackers are and how we define hackers. I will withal cover the history of how hackers got started. This was a very interesting topic and may surprise a lot of people who have had misconceptions of what hackers do repayable to how the are covered by the media.In the 1960s at MIT a group of curious students, members of the Tech Model Railroad Club, decided to hack into the MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab. At this cadence hackers were encouraged to explore and were not considered malicious like the hackers the media portrays today. These groups of students were allowed access to the MIT AI Lab by the labs director Marvin Minsky. In the 1970s a trend started with squall hacking. Phreaks exploit telephony systems to make free pine distance calls. unity famous phreak is John Draper, also know as Captain crush ed leather, made long distance calls for free by blowing a accredited tone in a telephone. This tone opened a eminence on the phone system and he was able to make long distance calls for free. Two names that everyone is familiar with are Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak these two gentlemen founded orchard apple tree data processor. However, what a lot of people did not know is that they were members of Homebrew Computer Club. While being members of this club they began making blue boxes, which are devices utilise to help phreaks access phone systems. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak had handles that they were known by and they were Berkley Blue and oak Toebark.By the late 1980s computer hacking had grown so practically that a magazine was formed called 2600 The Hacker Quarterly. This magazine shares tips on phone and computer hacking. The government responds to this growth by passing the Computer cunning and Abuse Act and forming the Computer Emergency Response Team. This give s the government more authority in tracking wily hackers. This about the same time that the Media did a lot of coverage on Kevin Mitnik, a well known computer hacker who was convicted of stealing software and was sentenced to one year in prison. By the 1990 the instances were computers were hacked grew exponentially.

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