
Sunday, February 17, 2019

Analyse the way the villain is presented in three Sherlock Holmes stories :: English Literature

Analyse the way the villain is presented in threesome sherlock Holmes storiesAnalyse the way the villain is presented in three intelligence officer Holmesstories. Is there a stereotype?In Conan Doyles stories, The Adventure of the flecked Band,Silver Blaze and The Adventures of the Dancing Men. the villain isalways utilise as the key element. Its interesting that Doyle alwaysmakes the villain more(prenominal) fascinating than the hero. This is certainlytrue in each of these of these stories.In the specked Band, the villain is a Dr Roylott. This was not madeclear to the reader until the rattling end of the invention, a trick thatConan Doyle uses in all three of these stories.Dr Roylott is the stepfather to Helen chromatic and her sister JuliaStoner. He is presented by Helen Stoner in the beginning of the storywhen she goes to visit Sherlock Holmes. She describes past events andher suspicions about her stepfather. She begins by flattering SherlockHolmes by saying I have heard, that you can follow up deeply into themanifold wickedness of the human heart.She then begins from the beginning state Mr. Holmes everything abouther life and why she ended up at his door.She starts by describing her stepfather as a man who is the lastsurvivor of one of the oldest Saxon families in England. He has accessto 1000 a year which was odd to him by his wife, a vast sum in thosedays. Rylott was then suppositional to give Helen and her sister a yearlyallowance when they married. As curtly as his wife left the money to thestepfather in her will, coincidently she died in a tragic railwayaccident which had happened eight years previously. These be bigclues to the reader to make them suspicious and to make them think heis a villain. Helen and her sister from that moment have been veryisolated from the outside world. They had been living in the housewith their stepfather and his two Indian animals, which are a cheetahand a baboon, which were both allowed to walk free around the grounds.Helen goes on to describe some nasty fights and the stress caused bythese. incidences. She describes to Sherlock Holmes the situation that hersister was particularly distressed. She was but 30 at the time of herdeath, and in so far her hair had already began to whiten, even as minehas.It is then that we fancy that her sister is dead and that her deathoccurred within two weeks of her getting busy to a young man.

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